Manhunt....hunting for man
Manhunt, a controversial game just relesed a month ago. I recieved this game on xmas and I can honestly say this game is pretty sick. The sets your character (james earl cash), just waking up after his faked exacution. Apparently someone called the "Director" has bigger plans for you then death. He breaks you free and sets you into the abbandoned streets of carser city (mentioned in GTA 3). Your goal is to complete th director's devious missions and kill countless gang members which have been paid to find and kill you in the most brutal way possible.
The game works on stealth and a 3 degrees kill system. The game works as this. "oh look there is a thug, hide in a shadow until he passes me. Well now that he past me I can sneak up behind him and see how long I can stay behind him. Oh look now I can kill him on the 3rd degree of death. Oh look I am guttin him with a knife and now I just stapped the poor bastard in his eye socket." As this all happens the director talks to you in your ear piece, telling you to do things like "SNUFF HIM OUT", and every once in a while he disturbs us with disgusting comments like " Your really getting me off now cash" after killing someone.
Overall the game does get quite repeditive but it does not let down and the challenges get harder.
so has anyone else played this hellish of a game?