wow this thread certainlly went to hell-o very quickly . . . time for me to step up to the plate . . . - any music fan can appreciate this page, especially the news section, everything and anything u need to know about the station, the music they play . . . everything - canadian equivalent to above mentioned site. . . need I say more . . . - like Ebaum's World only with more games to waste your valuable time on . . . - awesome site for original art creations . . . including thousands of backgrounds in different sizes and styles . . . - shameless plug for own site . . . moving on . . . - I know no one else probably visits cnn on a regular basis, but when u need news, its the site for it . . . - for those of you as bored as I am most of the time, I've found some of my friends have been keeping journals on here and it seems to be a decent enough setup . . . check it out if you got the time . . .
that should do for now . . .