Anyone remember Lemmings. That is one game where I could sit in front of my computer and direct the lemmings to help them escape. I know it's not even considered a classic, but it was a fun game for me.
I've been searching the internet for a copy of the game and most of what I find are demos where you only make it through the first 2 or 3 levels. I don't remember where I picked up my old copy but I wish it was still around.
It one of those cute classics, that were played long time back. The game used to be very interesting, if I am not wrong it used to have five levels.It has been long I havn't played it. There have been some sequels to it, any one played those?
I'm not sure if this is the same one I downloaded before but that one was exactly the old DOS game I played before so graphics is looking ghastly obviously.
If you're just feeling a bit nostalgic though I recommend this online version
Froix, that link is just terrific. I went to the link and there it was. Just like the old version I used to have for DOS. I sat there and played for a while and had memories of my son sitting on my lap, laughing, while I played.
It does bring you back to the old days, doesn't it. It saves the last stage you've played too, the browser version. It would've been nice if the fast forward button worked though.
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You know what I liked best about this game? Except for the lemmings being blown up or whatever, it was a fun little family game. It helped that the lemmings were cute, but it was something I didn't mind my kids seeing and watching me play.