Remember the thing? Well i emailed them they didnt reply. But what the did put up on there website is this;
"We have received an overwhelming amount of letters on the topic of videogame addiction and violence. While the majority of the responses were sent in by feral young children and pre-teenage gamers (a very surprising statistic, more proof our cause is not in vain), a great handful of parents did submit stories of their real life experience handling videogame related addiction and violence in their own family. We plan to post their stories online as well as our updated article section sometime after the New Year, so please check back soon!"
Even though i wrote them a letter, and yes i even used perfect grammar/punctuation/and spelling. They still say "(a very surprising statistic, more proof our cause is not in vain), " And call us feral young children. I'm going to have to emailbomb these people or something.