Originally posted by mrbigggshot
Wow Gunpei, you're one racist son of a bitch and I have no respect for you at all. Please kill yourself.
Gunpei you are pushing it.
Back to the topic. Xero, I dont think the aid given to immigrants extends quite as far as you think, but anyone can receive medical care, and some of the programs that help the immigrants are a good idea, since they were not as priviledged to begin with.
I think the reasoning is, if you live in this country, where anyone can get a job, and someday make a shitload of money, you have no one to blame but yourself. However if you just got here, we will help you out until you can make it on your own.
mr bigggshot: wait, are you humoring me?
I couldbe asleep: no
mr bigggshot: shit, and i totally fell for it
mr bigggshot: i need to stop being retarded