Tis awesome ;) I got it on the 12th and am pretty much loving it so far. Anyone else have it...or going to be getting it at least? I'd recommend it unless you don't like the RE series...which is unthinkable!! ;)
:x Love ya Adam! :x
"Love isn't brains, children. It's blood. Blood screaming inside you to work it's will. I may be love's bitch, but at least I'm man enough to admit it." - Spike http://www.geocities.com/resicrypt
I got it a launch : ). I love Resident Evil...its my main reason for owning a cube. So far RE-0 is making its way to my all time favorite.
<font color=Blue><b>-----My Comp-----</b></font>
<font color=Red>Athlon XP 2100+
Epox Ep-8k3a Motherboard
Antec 400 watt Case
DeskStar 75 gig hd 2600rpm
Radeon 9700 Pro Built by ATI
!que 24x Cd Burner</font>
Right about to get the 3 stone tablet thing. Which I hear after that is the end of disk one.
<font color=Blue><b>-----My Comp-----</b></font>
<font color=Red>Athlon XP 2100+
Epox Ep-8k3a Motherboard
Antec 400 watt Case
DeskStar 75 gig hd 2600rpm
Radeon 9700 Pro Built by ATI
!que 24x Cd Burner</font>
I just went to the church and did waht had to be done there...restored power to the elevator there and then stopped.
<font color=Blue><b>-----My Comp-----</b></font>
<font color=Red>Athlon XP 2100+
Epox Ep-8k3a Motherboard
Antec 400 watt Case
DeskStar 75 gig hd 2600rpm
Radeon 9700 Pro Built by ATI
!que 24x Cd Burner</font>
DAMN, I thought I would get close to finishing this game tonite...but it just keeps goin on and on(I'm not complaining though). I gotta be gettin close soon...I mean...there can't be that much left to do
w00t, beat it tonite. The ending was ok....definitely better than REmakes ;) I just want to play that leech hunter game..but It only unlocks stuff for easy mode So I'll probably beat it on Normal though first.