ok i love chrono cross, but unfortunately i havent played for a while (try like two years i think) but i have beaten it several times. so here' s my best advice that I can remember. now in an rpg for me (i dont care if there are a crapload of characters either) i focus on one group. Im assuming you are lynx right now, so its most likely gonna be him and two others. now if i were you, i would go and do your best to get the best weapons/armor for each character you plan on using. if you got a blue character, then good, because give her a lot of blue magic healing. hopefully you can take another powerhouse with you as the third character. if i can remember right, i think my party was...lynx, karsh (maybe zoah or fargo, i dont remember), and some blue person who i dont remember either. just keep at it, and you should be able to get through by using the "3-3-1"combos. good luck.
dr. mario kicks ass
visit my top 100 game list at rob.bluegoop.net