Originally posted by GunGrave
x is that a porn movie? with an actualy plot?
No, it's not a porn movie.
And yes, it has one of the best plots ever.
It is about a young man who is part of a gang that goes around on nightly, drug-induced violence and raping sprees. This continues until his friends betray him and leave him for the police to find. He is sent to prison for the accidental murder of his last victim. While in prison he is chosen to be a part of an experimental treatment called Ludovico's Technique. He is forced to watch films of violence and rape while given drugs that make him feel very sick. He keeps going to these sessions until his mind has associated rape and violence with the sickness, thereby whenever he tries to commit an act of violence in real life he will feel the sickness come to him. He is released from prison as the first reformed prisoner to have Ludovico's Technique done on him. However, because of the treatment he is unable to defend himself from his former victims who now want revenge on him. Etc..
The theme of the movie focuses on Moral Choice which is best summed up by this quote, made by the Chaplain of the prison:
"What is it that God wants? Does God want goodness or the choice of goodness? Is a man who chooses the bad in some way greater than a man who has the good imposed upon him?"
Here is another quote that deals with the theme:
"If a man cannot choose he ceases to be a man."
This is my favorite movie of all time. Everything about it is brilliant. The acting, the plot, the directing, the score (classical pieces played to scenes of violence and rape, amazing).
This is a perfect movie.
And the book is even better.