I cut myself yesterday morning
I was cutting my bagles in half so i could butter them. I guess i was cutting at an angle and the knife jumped out of the bagle and into the tip of my ring ring. Everything was chotic after that
I ran the finger under cold water in the sink, but the blood got all over our dishes, so i covered it in a paper towel, but the blood was leaking threw. My parents were yelling at me to show them the cut, but i didn't want to blead on everything. Finaly i showed them the cut and they tryed to put some cream on it but the cream just got washed away by the blood. They also told me i was going to need stiches. I took a couple paper towels and a pain killer and sat around untill it stopped bleading(the paper was soaking with blood). They wanted to take me to the hospital and i refused. I convinced them i didn't need to go, but my mom made me go work out with her at some club