Cloned Humans: Is Earth Ready?
I don't know why anyone would want to be cloned. In that news article it says the woman who gave the DNA did it because her husband was infertile and they wanted a baby, couldn't they take DNA from both of them and combine them or something to create a totally new person. Wouldn't it just be weird (and maybe wrong) to have a son/daughter that is totally identical to you?
And then there's all these issuses, such as if a child dies and the parents clone him/her to bring them back, do they love the clone for who he/she is or for who he/she was clone from. Even though they would look a like surely they would develop their own personality and if that thought crossed their mind it would drive them crazy, like the only reason the clone is alive is to "relpace" the dead child. I totally disagree with cloning. I think it is totally wrong to play god. And who knows the consequences of having an identical counterpart? very dangerous stuff. And BTW identical twins are more indentical than in looks... A sort of company idd these experiments with twins seperated at birth and found some weird results. Some had wives and children with the same names, some had indetical particular habits such as collecteing rubber bands on their hands...
Imagine the millitery implacations if it became possible to mass produce clones. Sure it would take a long time but you could create a whole army, god knows what would become of the world. Imagine an almost endless supply of soliders created to just kill or be killed, kind of a meaninless existance don't you think. And should those clones then think for themsleves and think about that, what if they would turn on their creators? Ok so this would be many years away but still. And then terrorist groups and their suicide bombers, just think what they could do with the ability to clone. Perhaps George W. Bush should be looking for cloning factories in Iraq not weapons.
Imagine being a clone and you only have one purpose in life, whatever the purpose. Just because your cloning someone doesn't mean your not creating a whole new person who will have their own feelings and thoughts. The cloning for organs etc. We can't do that yet, we have to create a whole person and then take the organs. Giving life to something and then taking it away, just like a damn lego person?! How depressing would it be to know nobody wants you, loves you, or even thinks of you as a person, and your going through all the pain just because of some scientists. Until we perfect cloning and can do it without hurting anyone, I'm completely against it.
What do you believe is the right choice?
The Big Nerd: The Supreme Grammar Nazi
bryan49449: ... And the only reason that you can still post is because you put the file back that you HACKED out on the old boards!
bryan49449: I guess you got BORED WITH THE TEMP'S EH?!
GMan5589: . . .
GMan5589: Haha.
Bryan's Words of Wisdom:
Big N: Teach me your ways of getting things in order, Bryan.
Bryan: Ok, this is what I would have done...
Bryan: See pupil? You must flow with the words...
Big N: This has been Bryan's Words of Wisdom.