I see. I think what he means is that he puts the URL of changing the colors in the address bar, and then that will add the colors to his name. I don't know how to prevent this from happening though...
the feilds or text boxes to enter name,signature ect all have names and are used when you click the button IE if I modify my name color it would be bluegoop.net/profiles.php?namecolor=red
its a string used a url to change of these feilds
Hmm, So I guess that answers the question on how he gets the colors. Now we need a way on how to block users that are not mods/administrators from accessing that URL. Isn't there some way to change it or something?
well we just press the update button like normal users so I cant fiquire out the correct address since I have never had to use it Benson needs to look into this. It is beyond me
hello and welcome to last week. This glitch has been known for about 1 and a half week I think. Benson still has to do some settings or some crap like that.