What college will I go to (or wont I go?) and if so whats my major?
-You will go to college, although I can't see your major. You'll keep changing it, I don't know the name but it is a very well known one....
What will my next girlfriend's name be?
- Fake Name = AManDa - Real name = Bruce
Are you an idiot, Master Jay.
-Maybe, but your Mom did say I was a genious in bed.
will i be getting my dream car?
-No, cause you'll try to prove me wrong.
how long will it take for holly to realize im her one true love?
-When she's older then 18.
Who is going to be Holly's boyfriend? Me or Spatula?
-Neither, she wants a REAL man.
Will I ever own my own plane?????
-You'll own a picture of a plane..... :bird:
Favorite People's list: Holly, Amber, Adam, Dwhitten, Spitz, GTA, Gungrave, homless guy, Transexual, Aka.
:x xero :x