here is from the readme
Hitman 2 is crashing to the desktop with no error messages.
Several different things can cause this problem. Here's a list of the most common culprits associated with these crashes:
q Make sure the CD-ROM is clean (check for both scratches and smudges on the reading surface of the CD).
q Make sure the game has been installed properly.
q Make sure DirectX 8.1 has been installed properly.
q Make sure you have the latest drivers for your video card and that they are DirectX 8.1-compatible.
q Make sure you have the latest drivers for your sound card and that they are DirectX 8.1-compatible.
q Make sure Virtual Memory is enabled on your system.
q Run Scandisk.
q Run Disk Defragmenter.
q Clean out old temp (.TMP) files from the C:WINDOWSTEMP or C:WINxTEMP directory on your hard drive (from Windows Explorer).
q Make sure you do not have any Anti-Virus utilities (like Norton's AntiVirus) running resident prior to playing Hitman 2.
q Make sure you do not have any third-party Windows memory management utilities (like QuarterDeck's QEMM) running resident prior to playing Hitman 2.
q Make sure you do not have any 3rd party Windows disk caching utilities running resident prior to playing Hitman 2.
q Make sure you do not have Norton's Crash Protector running resident prior to playing Hitman 2.
q Try uninstalling and then reinstalling the game.
q Try exiting the game, rebooting your machine, and re-entering the game