Found the article, but itīs in german. Made a translation to english with babel fish, and the result is a bunch of gibberish, but if you try you can understand it.
The link is
The translated material was too big to place in the post, so you better take it to babel fish yourselfs. It states what i said above, with a slight diference.
The photographed document is not a written order per se, itīs a field manual guideline. I jumped the gun. Itīs what you get from getting third hand info.
I had read the orighinal story in a portuguese newspaper, translated from the german article (using babel fish iīm sure). A lot was lost and misunderstood in the translations. But the document stands. Itīs a Pentagon issued guideline relating detainee treatment, and so, indirectly Rummsfeld is still the top responsable.
But i jumped the gun and i stand corrected for it. The title thread is wrong.
Regarding the reputation of the "Der Stern" magazine, i know nothing about it. If it is true that it had published fony stories, it reminds me of the wolf story. The child cried out "wolf" so many times that when the wolf really showed up, no one believed her. But the wolf was real, nonetheless.
Just as this here. The document looks, sounds, and feels true, just as the background of the story. Just because they might have made mistakes in the past, it doesnīt necessarily mean everything they report is false. Infact, a similar document was presented at the Congress hearings.