Originally Posted by hehehhehe
Maybe the press cropped the photos but they were well framed and there is no movement in any of the pictures
Yes, the media cropped the photos. Just compare the Daily Mirror "original", with the other photos from The Guardian.Thereīs one original at the top of this page.
They cropped the photos to show the key points. But whoīs to know wether the Daily Mirror has cropped
their photos aswell? That would mean we are only seeing a fraction of the original pictures.
As for the "movement", check my dissertation above.Youīll find there are quite a few reasonable explanations to the so-called "inconsistencies".
The thing that makes me think they were staged is the black and white colour film. No one uses it, except for dramaticism and focus atention. A soldier that happened to be on the truck taking photos as souvenirs would never take black and white photos.
And also the fact that the Daily Mirror is a tabloid paper, bent on fabrication and exageration. Not your most reliable source there.
However, even if they posed for the photos, it still doesnīt mean the abuses never took place. As pointed out above, the US photos featured them posing aswell, and we know the abuses DID take place.
Itīs not the "posing" that poses a problem (pardon my redundancy), itīs the possibility of it being a forgery or not.
And since the Daily Mirror isnīt reveiling their sources, no one can question the people involved. Until a serious investigation is done and the results made public, we have to assume these photos are genuine. Even if they do look "weird".
I have my doubts aswell, but iīll wait for the investigation to change my verdict.
Besides, itīs not as if the british reputation was hanging on the balance over this. The british Army was already grasping at straws with other claims of abuse and investigations regarding tortured iraqi prisioners. These photos are just another logg in the fire.