Originally Posted by hehehhehe
I guess they had too many hits so it was taken off, but the videos can be found on this page:
The first one is the original footage (hilarious), and the second one shows David complaining and showing the "lying" CNN anchors. Maybe they will eventually show the apology that CNN gave yesterday (and was shown on the show as well).
That link is down also.
Maybe they got too many hits and took it down also.
Or maybe they got a phonecall from the White House, or a visit of a few men in black suits demanding to take it out...
Anyway, i shure would like to see them, but it seems that wherever that footage was, it was taken down. I´ve followed several links, made searches, and came up empty, with lots of missing pages and 404 errors.
Hummm, all that talk about a sleeping kid, made me oozy too...
:sleepy: :sleepy: