I think the one thing we can agree upon here is that we're at an impass. There are several people here who in my oppinion have closed their minds. They have decided the answer is 'X' and are not willing to consider any alternatives. I have chosen to keep an open mind. For doing so, I am berated and made fun of.
At no point did I ever state that I truly believe there are or ever were WMD. Yet, I am willing to keep an open mind about it. Do politicians lie? Sure they do... on all sides of the table. That means Bush could be lying. It also means that the democrats could be lying... It ALSO means that SADDAM could be lying.
I've seen enough circumstantial evidence to keep my mind open to the possibility that Saddam did infact have a WMD program, and may have had the actual weapons as well.
So, for keeping my mind open, I get to endure personal shots...
Originally Posted by Ranger
You're just another one of those brainless Republican/Bush apologists. Another clueless mouth-breather with a blank, vacuous stare, and an incredibly gullible mind.
Originally Posted by Ranger
Bush is a dickhead. An idiot. An inbred. A religious nut case. A fool.
If you believe his shit then so are you.
Originally Posted by Ranger
Wake up, fool.
Originally Posted by Ranger
yankeefan1970 is obviously one of those very, very rare people that still believes that there actually were WMD's in Iraq. Be gentle with him: his grasp of reality must be pretty fragile right now.
I don't ever recall using a personal attack aimed at you. I took offense to your comments about my 'grasp on reality' and commented back.
Is there a reason that you stray away from the points I am trying to present? Is there any reason that you must resort to labeling me as clueless, a dickhead, a fool, etc? It would seem that strong language and calling me names must be the way you deal with someone presenting ideas that are alternatives to what you strongly believe.
I find it rather childish that you get so fired up about what I've said and then lower yourself to namecalling. I get the strong impression that if you were able to, you'd pick up a baseball bat to beat some sense into me. You seem to wear your emotions on your sleeve and are ready to attack anyone who has a differing oppinion from your own.
I'm going to make one last point, and then I'll stop responding to threads where you have commented. It's simply not worth my time to try and get through to you.
The world is full of people who have different oppinions from yours. At some point you will need to grow up some and learn that the best way to get someone to see your side of things is to talk rationally to them. If you go on the war path every time someone says something you don't agree with, you're going to lead a very stressful life!
If you're willing to admit that you've gone way to far by resorting to attacking me as a person, then I'd be willing to continue posting to threads where you are a participant. It just makes no sense to me to get into a heated arguement with someone who is childish and doesn't want to admit that there might just be a different oppinion out there. Grow up some. You really need it.