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Old 02-02-2003, 07:32 PM
Spatula Spatula is offline
teh jew pimp.
Join Date: Jun 2002
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Spatula is on a distinguished road

i combined three of them, to have gunpei's ass, the gun, and diablo in the moonlit sky.

xero, you can already see that somewhere in another thread.

as you can see, i have combined everything else to form a massive picture. bob burnquist is doing his method over a building with a toilet on it (guess whos using da potty!) while aka is jacking off to my post (because im so sexy), all the while theres a mermaid crushing a house and everyone is covered in puke on the left hand corner.

the right hand corner has KK SLIDER in it.


Originally posted by HypeDave:
Spatula and Jushiko, please take this thread seriously.