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Old 01-28-2003, 06:59 PM
The Big Nerd The Big Nerd is offline
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Default The E3 Impression

This comes from a "reliable" source at Microsoft.

"This year, the booth will be eight Halo 2:Homeworlds playable booths. Two teams of four human and four Covenant players, with voice thru LIVE. It will have the longest line ever, fights will break out and the police will have to be called. The media will arrive, two deaths will be reported, Dan Rather will show up to report it, and preorders will go through the roof.

Fable will be video, not playable.
DOOM III will be playable.
Kameo will be playable.
SW:Galaxies will be video.
Thief III will be video.
Deus Ex II: The Invisible War will be playable.
Strident, Duality, Kingdom Under Fire II: The Crusaders will all be playable. Shining Lore will be video (it's a MMORPG, and Halo 2 will have all the LIVE booths tied up).
Perfect Dark 0 will be video.
Banjo Kazooie Trace (tres) will be video.
Conker: He Came, He Saw, He Conkered will be video.
Fuzion Frenzy 2 will be playable.
Tony Hawk 5 wil be playable.
Shenmue III will be announced as an Xbox exclusive.
Panzer Dragoon Online w/ multiplayer dragon battles will be announced as an Xbox exclusive.
The Matrix will be playable.
Star Trek's new one will be playable.
DOA:Code Chronus will be playable.
Ninja Gaiden will be playable.
DOA:4 will be announced Xbox Exclusive, video only.
Rygar will be announced as coming to Xbox.
Project Gotham 2: Attack of the Cones will be playable.
N.U.D.E. will have its own booth, be announced for the US, and be playable but hosted. Too hard to "teach" N.U.D.E. from the beginning for every attendee, so the host will have a partially trained N.U.D.E.-in-progress and show off its gameplay.
An Assassin game from DOA featuring Christie will be announced. It will feature driving as well.
The Vivendi purchase will be old news by then, and we'll get our first video-only look at Spyro, Crash Bandicoot, a multi-platform mascot game (an online racer featuring Spyro, Crash Bandicoot, Blinx and a guest appearance by Sonic), LOTR:TTT (literary works version) and playable Starcraft:Ghost (now Xbox Exclusive).
Warcraft: Online War (Or W:OW as it will be called) will be announced with video footage.
Diablo 3 for PC will be announced, but not for Xbox.
The Unseen will be viewable, with a new release date of Q4, 2003.
Konami will announce MGS:3 for PS2 and Xbox.
DDRX will be announced, including custom soundtrack feature.
JSRFII will be playable.
Sega GT 2003 will be online and playable.
Amped 2 will be playable.
Oddworld: Munch's Exxodus will be watchable.
B.C. will be watchable.
Tekki 2 Online will be playable, multiplayer will be shown with voice support OFFLINE as well.
VF4.1 will be announced and playable.
Soul Caliber II will be playable.
The Hulk will be playable.
Daredevil will be playable.
Loose Cannon will be watchable.
True Crime: Streets of L.A. will be playable.
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon MMORPG will be announced with video footage.
Full Throttle II will be playable.
Sea Dogs II will be playable.
Robotech: LIVE wil be video.

That's enough. My brain hurts.

I'll be there, at least Tuesday. I'll meet everyone at the TXB booth at noon on Tuesday. I sent in my registration paperwork just today."

All I can say.. is...

The Big Nerd: The Supreme Grammar Nazi

bryan49449: ... And the only reason that you can still post is because you put the file back that you HACKED out on the old boards!
bryan49449: I guess you got BORED WITH THE TEMP'S EH?!
GMan5589: . . .
GMan5589: Haha.

Bryan's Words of Wisdom:
Big N: Teach me your ways of getting things in order, Bryan.
Bryan: Ok, this is what I would have done...
Bryan: See pupil? You must flow with the words...
Big N: This has been Bryan's Words of Wisdom.