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Old 01-04-2003, 08:01 PM
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Holly Holly is offline
Chinese Bear
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: Oregon
Posts: 2,451
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Holly is on a distinguished road

Answer "yes" if you watch(ed - it may be canceled) this TV show - And "no" if you do not.

1. Buffy the Vampire Slayer - No
2. Off Centre - No
3. Will & Grace - No
4. Friends - Yes
5. WWE! Smackdown! - No
6. Big Brother - Yes
7. C.S.I. - Yes
8. Temptation Island - Yes
9. That 70s Show - Yes
10. Boston Public - No

Answer "yes" if you have seen the following movies - And "no" if you have not.

1. American Pie (1 or 2, or both) - Yes
2. L.I.E. - No
3. American Beauty - No
4. Scary Movie (1 or 2, or both) - No
5. 8 Mile - No
6. The Breakfast Club - Yes
7. Girl, Interrupted - no
8. Vanilla Sky - No
9. Liberty Heights - No
10. Scream (1, 2, 3, or any combination of them) - No
- If yes to #10, was it the theatre versian or directer's cut?

Answer "yes" if you listen to any of the following music.

1. Eminem - Yes (one or two songs so I don't know if it counts)
2. Christina Agueleria - No
3. Creed - Yes (one or two songs)
4. Crazy Town - NO
5. Minor Threat - No
Drama kids are cool.
Churchill Lancers rock the Casbah...
Sometimes you have to get to know someone really well to realize you're really strangers.
-Mary Tyler Moore


The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return. ~ Moulin Rouge