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Old 10-29-2002, 01:35 PM
Gen v9.0 Gen v9.0 is offline
Risen Above Rising
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Choking Ina Box
Posts: 327
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Gen v9.0 is on a distinguished road

You have to play it to see what I mean, everything you experience ONCE in the game, for the first time - it's great, truly it's what it is, then afterwards when it's all said and done, you get bored doing it again and again in different ways, I only love the ship stages, I could do them over and over forever, you know? lol.. they shoulda made this game all ship if you ask me, it's what starfox is known for,.. other then that, it's a good game, with a repetitive content, little 'ooo nice' here and there, dinosaurs galore, which I liked.. especially the boss.. [T-Rex] .. and that's all so far, I haven't gotten to it yet, so I'm still 81% done