Thread: wtf?
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Old 01-02-2003, 03:35 AM
nulshock nulshock is offline
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There is no possible way that site is true. If the "feds" were able to hack his computer, then why haven't they taken down the site or even re-editted it to say "haha, this was a hoax" and then block him from being able to edit all those domains? The whole story has a novel-like tone that it isn't true. There have been great hoaxes in history that were a lot bigger than this. (ie was even bigger than this site) I highly doubt this site is nothing more than a hoax. It was good for a little creepy night-time reading though

EDIT: oops, it seems that it was a spoof... read this page:

EDIT Again: turns out the original domain name reveals it all, i dunno why i didnt go there first