Thread: Pissed
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Old 12-23-2002, 11:05 AM
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Default Re: Pissed

Originally posted by Dwhitten1023
I got a DVD and Game doctor(a devise that repairs dirt,scratches and such). My Super Smash Bros. game had a small scratch so I figured I would do a simple repair on it and to test out everything. After I got done using the machine my game had 14 big scratches from repairing it so then I look at the cleaner and it had a peice missing from the buffer so it literally torn my game apart. Now I have to take the DVD doctor back for a refund and buy a new game(because the Gamecube is not reading the game now). Right now i'm pissed because I wasnt expecting buying a new game. I should ask the company of the DVD doctor to give me a new game because of thier faulty system.

yah, talk to them about it. Take your SSBM to them.
My project gotham has about 20 scratches, and it works just fine