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Old 12-22-2002, 11:19 PM
Fox McCloud Fox McCloud is offline
Gaming Enthusiast
Join Date: Jun 2002
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Fox McCloud is on a distinguished road

Originally posted by Master_Jay
Hehehe, cool. One thing you gotta realise, I'm weird. I'll have Pooh Bear and lesbians in one sig if I could. I'll have Cloud and a picture of Data from star trek. I'm just that weird.

P.S. Goop is on the way.
Pooh Bear and lesbians Oh well, if you want any changes to it, just PM me

OWN3D: Spatula, Myth, Speedy1
:xSpeedy1's sexual advances::x
spyder2517: im putting you because i love you
spyder2517: you are like jalapeno
spyder2517: hot and spicy
spyder2517: thats another one in the list big boy

Peter was a psycho killer!
Peter says: but i dont like killing stuff anymore...