Thread: I know...
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Old 12-18-2002, 09:14 AM
Cheat_Master Cheat_Master is offline
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Originally posted by Asarien
Think of Nintendo's 1st party games. Mario, Metroid, Zelda, Star Fox, Donkey Kong, Animal Crossing, and plenty more. But Microsoft has most SEGA exclusives, so thats a huge advantage.

But it catagorizes like this:
GCN's excells in action/adventure, puzzle, platform and party titles. But lacks in sports.

X-Box excells in FPS's, classic SEGA titles, and soon online titles. But lacks in platform and adventure.

So it's pretty much what you're into. But I recomend you to get GCN.
Gamecube lacks in platform games to, they have mario...crash..what else maybe a few more

xbox has blinx...crash...maybe a few more... dont really see which has more there.

I would get xbox if you like FPS and online games. They are also coming out with Fable before long which is going to be like zelda but i think it will be better.