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Old 12-16-2002, 03:23 PM
Spatula Spatula is offline
teh jew pimp.
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Originally posted by Peter
You need a lot more posts than that, check out Gunblader for instance, he has 1300 posts, and he hasnt been asked yet. Long way to go kiddo
posts do nothing in becoming a mod. when it comes time for a new mod, when we need one (not for a while), we probably will put posts aside. they have nothing to do with becoming a mod. sure, they have something to do in matter of 1 post or 300 posts, but we dont choose in "he has more posts." you could have 10000 posts, but half of them were spam. we look for who gets along best with the community, who has the most thought provoking they deal with other members...and so on.

Originally posted by HypeDave:
Spatula and Jushiko, please take this thread seriously.