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Old 12-14-2002, 07:56 PM
mrbigggshot mrbigggshot is offline
Join Date: Sep 2002
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mrbigggshot is on a distinguished road
Default ***Attention all sigmasters: Your presence is requested by mrbigggshot***

I'm looking for a sexy sig pic. REALLY sexy. As in, if you were a female sig pic, you'd be all over my sig pic. 432 x 72 pixels is the size I want, and no bigger than 20k if you can help it. Here are some things you can make it on.

1.) Anything Penny Arcade related

2.) Star Wars Ep II related, the more lightsabers, Jedi, Clone Wars, and Dooku you have, the better.

3.) Based on Unreal Championship for Xbox Live.

4.) Buu from Dragonball Z. Not Fat Buu or Skinny Buu. Majin Buu and above.

5.) A simplistic design. Abstract, based on 1 picture you think personifies me, whatever. The only yourself!

It's gotta have my name on it, because everyone would point and laugh otherwise. Animations are definitely cool, but keep them small so those 56k babies don't cry because they're babies and they like to cry....because they're babies.

The sexiest sig pic gets some uber Goop from me, so get started!
Alias: and that's the story of my yeast infection