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Old 12-11-2002, 11:36 PM
SoulEater2 SoulEater2 is offline
DarkBloods Bitch #9
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SoulEater2 is on a distinguished road
Default a real good game for the ps system?

any idea what a really good game is for the ps system. (ps standing for playstation). oh and by ps i mean all ps. like ps1 and ps2. so u dont get confused.

any ways what game do u think would be real good for this system? im a rpg player most of the time but i like evrygame types except for sports (no affence)

i like racing action fightining, etc.

so from your experience of games what do u think would by far be the best?

oh and i really wanna know what games would be great for ps2. thanks.

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