Thread: Woohoo!
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Old 12-06-2002, 08:57 PM
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Diablo Diablo is offline
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Default Woohoo!

I reached 1000 posts! People I'd like to thank:

Benson-For making this awesome forum.

mrbigggshot-For making this kickass icon that is now my icon except without the text because I can't have a custom icon.

Nightcrawler_X-For re-introducing me to Neopets, thank you.

Alias-For reminding me that I was almost at 1000 posts.

Kirby-For donating 90 goop to me.

Matt-For donating 1000 goop to me.

Everyone else who has donated goop to me-For donating goop to me.

AND, last but not least...

GTA3_Mafia-For providing so much fun time in bed.:x