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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 12-06-2002, 12:53 AM
Evil Taylor
Posts: n/a

Your soul DOES live forever, but not in some puffy cloud crap. There is no physical demension for our souls to be in, so it must be some sort of alternate plane of existence, and I imagine that we don't look like we do, probably pulsing masses, or nothing, maybe. Its not like you'll care, though. Even though the Biblical theory of an afterlife has pretty much been disproven by science (as the bible seems to say that it is a physical realm, and it also forgets the existence of all the aliens and such), that does not necessarily mean that there isn't one at all. If we have reached bliss, then we will be utterly content and do nothing. When you are perfectly happy, do you do anything? No, you just sit there. There's no parties or crap like that. No clouds, no bearded God, none of that stuff. Just happiness, like the second after an orgasm.