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Old 12-04-2002, 09:23 PM
Gibt Gibt is offline
Quietly Tripped
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Gibt is on a distinguished road

Ever have a night when you didn't dream when you slept? I imagine it will be like that, if you ever get there.

Ive read article about how your brain still functions for 7 seconds after your body dies. The guy who sponsored the "Comics Come Home" specials on comedy central to raise money for his cancer found raising thing once said he was looking forward to those 7 second because your brain cycles through all the thoughts and memories it has in that time. Which means it would like a dream of your whole life. So as far as you know this life your living right now could just be a dream or a memory and your already dead.

If you want to know the meaning of life, things of the afterlife, if there really is a god, and other such things I really recommend you go rent the movie "Waking Life" It really changed my whole theory on life.

Go Forth And Trip Quietly