Bluegoop Arena Battle #3: Alias VS Neopet addicts
Alias VS mrbigggshot, nispo, Darkblood, Vcv77, Diablo, ZucchiniWaffle
Round 1:
mrbigggshot sends Nispo after Alias
Alias stomps on Nispo and bans mrbigggshot
mrbigggshot HP: 0 Alias HP: 20
Round 2:
nispo throws a Neopet forum petition at Alias
Alias dodges and locks nispo's petition
nispo HP: 0 Alias HP: 20
Round 3:
Darkblood winks at Alias
Alias d3admins Darkblood
Darkblood HP: 0 Alias HP: 20
Round 4:
Vcv77 asks for a porn forum
Alias bans his ass
Vcv77 HP: 0 heffer111 HP: 20
Round 5:
Diablo sends out flying monkeys!
Alias eats them and kicks Diablo in the head
Diablo HP: 0 Alias HP: 20
Round 6:
ZucchiniWaffle reveals his naked body to Alias. Critical hit!!!
Alias self-destructs!
ZucchiniWaffle HP: 10 Alias HP: Owned
Winner: ZucchiniWaffle
Hey wait, do you not like Neopets or something?
Alias: and that's the story of my yeast infection