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  #36 (permalink)  
Old 12-01-2002, 11:38 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by Vcv77
I think I asked this before, but I'm not sure what the answer was..

Could a penalty for spamming be subtracting Goop? Each post gets you like 5 points or something, so maybe if it is really noticeable that the person is spamming, there could be like a 100 point penalty for each offense. I'm not sure if this sounds like a good idea at all, but it would be less severe than a ban, and the members wouldn't revolt as much against it: They would simply try to stop, for fear that more Goop would be taken away.
That isn't a bad idea, but I doubt that anyone would want to keep editing someone's goop whenever they spam, it would be a pain in the ass.