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Old 11-20-2002, 11:43 AM
ShadowSword ShadowSword is offline
Final Fantasy Fanatic
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Canada eh?
Posts: 465
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ShadowSword is on a distinguished road
Default hey guys i am back!!!!! for good this time

I have been busy with counter strike and vice city so whatever tme i am not playing i will try to be posting on the goop (so much has changed while i was grounded lotta peeps r VIP and some peeps that just signed up have like 1000 posts well i am back guys and hoping to see a lot more convos and i am lookng forward to talking to all of you!
Trying to post to be the final fantasy mod (or something like that)

Thank you benson for believing in me and giving me a second chance!
(stupid adrian left)