The most painfull thing for me is not being able to be with the girl of my dreams.
I met this girl named Larissa this summer, and she is more beautifull then any girl in the Girls section.
(I kid you not gentlemen) The problem is that she isnt' looking for a man.
She dominates my dreams! She has enthralled me to the point where I can think of no one else. I just want to be with her. I want to be with her to help her carry and burdens she might have to carry. I want to be there beside her to light her darkest hour.
When I see her in my dreams, I am so happy. I feel like the luckiest guy in the world. Then when I wake up, I am suddenly aware of the reality that it was only a dream and that's when I wish I can go back to sleep so I can be with her again.
Only the pain of loosing someone close to you rivels the pain of not being able to be with the women of your dreams.
What do you guys consider to be the most painfull experience you have had to experience?