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Old 11-13-2002, 08:21 PM
VcV VcV is offline
DarkBlood's Bitch #7
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: CT
Posts: 1,058
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VcV is on a distinguished road

I really don't think it really matters that there are so many mods/admins around here. I mean, what can too many do?

I think if it got to the point where there were more mods than members, we would have a problem. However, I highly doubt anyone is going to want to be demodded, and as long as no more mods are made any time soon, everything should be fine and dandy.

I love this place and having like, 15 mods or something isn't going to stop me from coming. I think its cool, because I know that everyone is friendly enough for them all to be mods, and I know this place will be set for a while.

From the few days I've been here, I can see that the place should be fine, and that it is a great place to hang out and doesn't need to change.

Keep up the good work.