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Old 11-09-2002, 04:13 PM
VcV VcV is offline
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Default Legend of Legaia 2 + Kingdom Hearts: Hit or Miss?

I personally don't have it, but am interested in getting a PS2... I want it mainly for LoL2 and Kingdom Hearts...

I loved the original Legend of Legaia, and played for over 60 Hours... I loved the innovation that came with the game (battle system, plot, characters) and would love to get the second one.

I have heard cool things about Kingdom Hearts, and it looks really cool, so I would like to get that too.

So my question is turned over to you, PS2 owners: Are the two games worth it?

Any comments on either game would be great, seeing as I am deciding whether I should try to get a PS2 or not (I realize there are other good games on the system, and these aren't the only reasons I want a PS2, but I'm curious about these games).