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Old 11-09-2002, 03:58 PM
VcV VcV is offline
DarkBlood's Bitch #7
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Default Favorite Unheard of Movie Ever?

We all have a couple favorite movies... Some are popular, and then there are those others no one has ever heard of.

Just because those movies aren't heard of doesn't mean their bad. So what I'm asking is this:

What is your favorite movie that it seems like noone has ever heard of? (**Not necessarily your favorite movie of all time, just the one that you like and that gets you the weirdest looks**)

My favorite is "The Stupids" with Tom Arnold. It is such a funny and classic movie- I mean, the entire movie starts because someone thinks that the trashman "Stole their trash".

I don't know if any of you have heard of it, but whenever I tell someone how much I like it, they give me such a strange look.

So how about you? Do you have a fave? Or maybe you've seen the Stupids? Feel free to comment.