Thread: Comic Strip
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Old 11-04-2002, 11:13 PM
Gibt Gibt is offline
Quietly Tripped
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: washington dc area
Posts: 618
Rep Power: 274
Gibt is on a distinguished road

A breif briefing on the Quietly Tripped comic:

From what Ive gathered from some convos with Ben it will probably end up on the homepage (or at least I hope) and not just an image on a post in the forum. Ive finished the first one and handed it in already, it should be up some time after the great reawakening of the main site is done.
Im planning on at least once a week minimal. Depending on how much free time I have they could be every week and half (or maybe even 2 comics a week at most).
Its very derived from penny arcade and the humor is much like it. The actual style of the character is that of the great but short lived 'Clerks: the Animated Series'. I really cant draw whatsoever (the most ive done in the past was scribbles on my notebook). I have most my training in writing and a lot in photography, so as a result the background is actual pictures of my place scanned in and enlarged.
Please be tolerant of them, some of the humor may not be obvious because most the running gags are inside jokes (I really go for that kind of stuff).

Any other questions? Im here to answer.

Go Forth And Trip Quietly