Originally Posted by Shane
Shut up and die.
Thanks Shane, I will try...
Disambiguate, you do know that Satanism is bascily the same thing as organised christianity, right? That's why its fallen apart so much. It's more of a novelty these days for the "mall-goths". The fact that it was founded within the past 100 years or so is another tip-off that you may not want to devote your time in this life to it... It's nothing like what it was when LeVeigh brought it to life. I have black hair, whiter than white skin, and one cannot see a spot of color hanging in my wardrobe, but i don't need to be a satanist ;) But I know people who are 'satanists' and are completely comfortable with it as a novelty. I must say, it IS pretty cool-lookin hehe