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Old 12-09-2005, 08:38 AM
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Further Hard Drive Mystery Updates Unveiled

Xbox 360, 13GB diskspace, Continued

By Benoit Leterme: 09 Dec 2005, 11:41 am (CET)
Yesterday we published an article explaining where the Lost 7GB on the Xbox 360 went to. We indicated here, emulation took a large chunk out of the diskspace, but also room for updates, patches, live and backward compatibility with the Xbox 1.

Some of you mailed me in a hurry telling me where the 7GB went to. Although some of our readers had it spot on, some had a different approach to the matter (Must be first time readers). Here's one I can't really agree with:

A correction to your article:

It is a well known fact that you lose hard disk space when formatting. Have a look at any PC with 250gb hard drives and you will find nearly a third missing! Yes, for every hard drive the hard disk can never be formatted to its full capacity.

Hmm, losing 1/3 of your total diskspace after formatting, next time try a different File System, I heard FAT16 is outdated.

Here's an input I can concur with:

I used to work for Insignia Solutions, writing the SoftPC and SoftWindows PC emulators that Microsoft's Virtual PC and to a lesser degree, the Xbox 1 emulator technology is based on.

It's enormously unlikely that the emulator would be heavy on disk space. Emulating an Intel CPU on a PowerPC is quite small, even with heavy optimisations like a threaded execution model or a just-in-time compiler.

The reason the disk space is taken up is much more likely to be due to the game patches that are stored; Halo 1 and 2 for example, don't require anything to be loaded from Xbox Live as I understand it, which means that the bits the emulator can't handle (for speed, or graphics, or Live) would be patched by files on the hard drive at run-time.

Considering the original games shipped on DVDs, the potential is there for a large amount of space to be taken up with these patches, which of course could even include graphic data. And we don't know how many other game patches are on the disk either.

I would like to thank our readers for their input, feel free to send me your 2 cents (We only accept cash).
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