Originally Posted by *~$kAnDaLouZ~*
Well, in the end...I guess I fail here. It's more like faith then proof.
For you it probably won't mean anything since you don't seem to have faith.
But...Do you believe things were created? After all, what you are asking for is the creator, if you don't believe he exists and that things were created this discussion is invalid. We'll have to argue wether everything was created or not.
What does it for me, is that when you look at all creation. All the creatures and how they interact. Our bodies and how everything is and works, I realize that it's not only impossible that it happened by chance. Or simply came to be thanks to some coincidence. But also how bull that darwin theory is, after all if we evolved from monkeys then why are they still here? The more I get into science, the more firm my believes become. Realizing there is a creator, I seek to know why was I created, and by whom. My religion has answered that for me. Many today, boil everything down to materialism and living for materialistic and animal needs, so much so that they never get to wonder about that.
But that's another story.
It didn't come by chance, it came from natural selection, that's a completely different thing, survival of the fittest and the smartest. There are even fosils of our hominid ancestors that show the progress of our evolution which is more proof on its own then anything religion has to offer. Also, Human DNA is 98.5% identicle to that of Chimpanzee's to say this doesn't give solid evidence that we are related to them is lunacy.
The more I get into science, the more firm my believes become.
You obviously havn't delved very deep into science as you don't seem to know what you are talking about in that department.
Many today, boil everything down to materialism and living for materialistic and animal needs, so much so that they never get to wonder about that.
Not everyone boils their purpose down to having a flash car and a big TV, are these animal needs you talk of living, dieing and mating some time before death? The sole goal of every living organism on this planet it to breed, Lion's hunt to feed themselves and their young so they can grow up and have young of their own, they fight for territory and dedicate all their lives doing tasks that lead to the ultimate goal of reproduction. Everything does this, but uses different methods based on what they can and can't do, we as humans are no different. We just have a brain that tells us we are better then that, and our live's have more purpose, and we were put here by a god that loves us and we are superior to everything else in the world because we can forge steel and use/make sophisticated tools and technology.
I have a question for you and anyone else who want's to answer it:
Back at the early stages of civilisation where people were a lot less intelegent then what they are today, they would question the unknown, like storms, sickness, the sun and moon and come to the conclusion that an all mighty being was behind them all. Today's mainstream Religion's were created at times of extreme ignorance, how can you believe so whole heartedly in something that was devised by unknowing people in ignorant times?
Originally Posted by Sandals
Give me proof that there is no God.
I never stated I had any, if you bothered to read this thread instead of be the interjecting fuckass you love to be, you would know that Skandolous said he felt that he had proof of God.