I guess I'm going to get back into this discussion since there is actually discussion going on for once.
Now, let me state my opinion on the matter. I am a Christian, I don't go to church on the weekends but I do pray everyday and I read my bible as often as I can. I try to make each day the best day possible to the best of my abilities. I alway's try to look for good things to happen despite the fact that so many overwhellmingly bad things are always happening instead. There have been things that have happened to me persoanlly in my life that has given me proof that there is a god. I'm not going to list them becasue the majority of the people here would just consider them stupid and then there would be an argument. Let me just say this, I don't think that you bow down to the god that you believe in, instead I believe that you try to live your life according to the way your god wants you too. You are never imprisoned but yet simply following a set of rules laid down for you to follow. It's your choice as to wether you follow them or not. Now, does that really sound like bowing down to you? To me it doesn't..........god is not a ruthless tyrant, he is a merciful god who wants everyone who believes in him to be happy. Again, I am only stating my opinion, I am not saying that what I just said is the way it is and you should listen to exactly what I just said because I know it's right. Now, if you started reading from the sentence before this one then start over again from the top because you'll get a totally different perspective on this subject than what I'm trying to state.