First off let me just say to Zteccc(can I just call you Z?) that you seem to have alot of common sense in my opinion. Now, as far as the protection from Katrina goes, this is what I have to say.
I think it is fairly obvious to everyone that Katrina was a major disaster that killed thousands and left thousands more without homes. I think it is also fairly obvious that the people that were left in the city of New Orleans did not recieve that proper help that they needed. Now, I do take notice to the fact that many, many people stayed and many of them did and did not have the proper means of transportation to leave the city. I also take notice to the fact that everyone living in New Orleans knew that the entire city was below sea level and were firmly aware of the fact that one day the disaster that they witnessed would take place. Now, despite all of that, the point of the matter is that there were and still are American people in that city that were and still are in desperate need of help and they are not getting it. I personally cannot put my finger on why this entire scenarion is happening but I do know that it is not right. When people are in help, regardless if they were too stupid to evacuate or simply didn't have the means neccessary to do so, this country is supposed to help them. If another country is in trouble and their people are dying of starvation and dehidration, this country will have supplies delievered to them within twenty four hours in most cases. With that said, I cannot see how we can not get the proper supplies to people in our own country when they need them. Like I said before, I don't know what is going on but I do know that is is not right.