There are some assumptions being made in the discussion that are not that clear cut to me.
One of them is that an american soldier that alledgedly commits a crime on iraqi soil should be judged by american standards. If an american commits a crime on european soil he would be judged by the legal system of the country he commits the crime in.
Secondly, the soldier mentioned is only brought to court because a video was leaked to the media. It is not that if any iraqi civilan has a complaint against an american soldier, he can go to the iraqi police, who then will investigate the situation and will arrest the soldier if the complaint seems well grounded (is "grounded" English?).
Actually there have been a number of complaints by the press that they have been severely limited in their investigations by the US military. Isn't it kind of strange that very often the bad news comes to us in the form of leaked photo's and videos instead of press reports?