Originally Posted by lulu
What you are pointing at are not the failings of democracy, they are the failings of mankind. Give it a rest.
Typical of democratic people.Failings of mankind?
It must be remembered that other regimes were denied the excuse of human nature by democratic people. In those times, democratic people, they used to say 'human nature is diverse, human nature is all, only the society leads them to do this or that. This or that regime leads to corruption, brutality, frustration and so on', everything they could find to install the democratic project.
And again, sorry to be repeatitive, but easy to see that in democracy, the problem is no longer the regime, the problem is the human being hence the lurking needs of reforming the nature of the human being hence offspring like nazism that simply stressed a bit too much the democratic feature that some, the salvages, the unpures, the underdogs must be excluded from the human species to allow true and genuine human beings to enjoy democracy.
On the contrary, it all boils down to democracy.
French, bow down to the power of democracy, your puny country, so big an actor in the rise and spread of democracy is now agonising from it. Mark those words because somehow soon your country must be torn apart by a civil war.
This would represent the climax as an undeniable evidence of the true nature of democracy.