Originally Posted by janlefev
It looks like humans have changed since 1950.
They all use computers now, but as far as I know, there aren't any genetically modified who could contradict what Mr Buttiglione told. I think he told quite privately something about homosexuality being unnatural and wrong. Nothing more !
The filter applied by the European parliement to the behaviour of the Commission members is very interesting. This is not only about commies and socialists, but also some christian democrats and all the French "conservatives" who clearly spoke against Mr Buttigione. Lynching people who express very basic values is somehow the next step in the European decay accomplishment. The lie has become one of the greatest value the European Union promotes.
Obviously I meant the narrow minded religious way people thought in the 1950's... :meh:
Buttiglione was supposed to protect EU citizens from discrimination. Most people in the EU (at least in the EU before the 10 eastern-European countries joined) believe everybody should be regarded equal, and should enjoy the same rights. Women, men, heterosexuals and homosexuals. How can you thrust someone who sees homosexuality as a sin to protect the rights of gay people? How can you let a man who believes a woman should stay at home and raise the children protect and further emancipation?Extreme conservatives like Buttiglione, who might even be considered more conservative then Bush when you look at social issues, have no place in EU positions which come with a lot of power and responsibility. Simply because there aren't enough people in the EU supporting such believes (=Democracy).
Buttiglione is a puppet from the Vatican, protected by the deeply corrupt rightwinger Berlusconi...