Weren't there weapons? You have positive proof? According to the intelligence agencies of most nations (not just the US), Saddam had the weapons and had the ability to make more. There are many unanswered questions about these weapons including a huge truck convoy that traveled into Syria just before the war and mustard gas found in the Euphrates.
Personally, I'll wait and see for the final outcome, because, unlike you, I don't have any concrete evidence one way or another.
That said, the US went in because of Iraq's violations of the cease fire treaty, and violations of 17 UN resolutions. Violations that Saddam Hussein could have easily corrected any time over a period of 12 years. Of course Saddam chose not to. He would rather let his people suffer in poverty and endure an embargo rather than live up to a treaty that he agreed to.
-- Jeff
"Government is not the solution to our problem, government is the problem." --Ronald Reagan