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Old 09-27-2004, 12:01 AM
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hypedave hypedave is offline
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hypedave is on a distinguished road

Just an update, im not back yet but for those who have sent emails and instant messages I really appreciate it.

I have not lost interest in this site at all, I don't loose interest in anything I put hard work into.

Now on to answere the many questions I've received

Question: Have you lost interest in Bluegoop
Answere: No I have not lost interest in BG at all, this year 2004 hasn't been great for me at all, financial problems, business closures, medical problems, family issues, the list goes on and on

Question: Are your other admins capable of running the site until you are gone?
Answere: Yes we have a strong staff of admins and also smods, they are a pretty layed back group of guys but take action quickly when needed.

Question: So when are you coming back.
Answere: Is that a trick question, well seriously it depends on personal stuff, I could come back in October, January 2005, tonight, tomorrow, hell I really can't give a solid answere right now.

Question: If someone offered to buy the site from you, would you sale?
Answere:Well they must know they are buying a pretty big site, most people approach me but just want the forums only, if I was to sell just the forums only then the rest of the site would not function, so they must be interested in buying the full site and not wasting my time.

Question: So how much is the site worth then?
Answere: Well I had the site appraised a while back, starting price would be $1500, max price then was $3500, the more content added and the more users that register the more the price goes up.

Question: Would you merge with another site?
Answere: Dont waste my time please, im not about to merge two forums together unless one forum was closing down.

Well I could go on and on with the many questions i've recieved, I hope I answered everyones questions, I gotta go for now, be good have fun.

Internationally Known, Nationally Recognized and Locally Accepted.
All I Got In This World Is My Word And My Balls, And I Dont Break Em For No-Body

I'm not certified in everything, but I am certifiable
Current Occupation: Network Operations Center Engineer
Network+ | Security+ | MCP: Windows 2000 Pro | MCSA: Windows 2000
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