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Old 07-08-2004, 10:04 PM
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Default I got my report card today...

It was ok. Kinda scary not knowing what my final exam grades were gonna be in preparation for what the 'rents are gonna say. But the mail came in after I left the house for the evening, and nothing was mentioned when I got home. I took a peek at it and don't remember my grades, but what I do remember is that I failed the final by just a few points in my toughest class, and got an A on a final . Every marking period grade and the rest of the finals were passing, not really in danger of failing in any either. Cs and up. So I guess it's good enough to not get yelled at, even though nothing will happen to me anyway since the year is over and it's summer time and there's no way to "bring that grade up".

I love how I failed every quiz/test that I could remember in my history class in the last marking period and manage to get a C. I also love that I had no clue what I was doing when I took the final and passed that as well. :dog:
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